Sunday, January 2, 2011

Picture An Hour:12/27/10

What could this be? My first edition of A picture an hour!? These photos were taken last Monday by yours truely, enjoy!

8:00AM- Waking up: Huge snowdrifts on my roof, this part must have been about two feet! (as veiwed from the upstairs window!)

9:00AM- Adventures taking the dog out: My dog loves the snow, she sure unjoyed her self! She put her snout in the snow and such... the usual.:D.

10:00AM- Breakfast: Couldn't see out the window clearly because of high snowdrifts on the ledge. Didn't capture a picture of my book, or my breakfast. (I read while I eat)
11:00AM- Watching my dog enjoy herself

12:00- Outfit photos set 1: Wore this outfit 12/26/10. Never got around to taking pictures...

My hair froze! Ah! I wasn't even grasping it! My hand was barely touching it! Crazy!
1:00PM- Cleaning my room:
My ever-lasting companions at home, slippers.
2:00PM-Tea Time!: Some delicous tea! It was Pumpkin Spice chai, i found it under Seasonal/Christmas tea, mmmm.
3:00-Lunch: Pasta shells with butter and cottage cheese. (For the record I hadn't made it yetin this photo!)
4:00PM- Outfit photos #2: Outfit photos number two, this is what I wore that day. Kind of dark, too bad. I really liked that one.
5:00PM- Exploring Tumblr:
6:00PM- Petting the dog: Very odd, she seems to be in a lot of my photos today, but I've never really posted her before.
7:00PM- Doing my nails/Dinner: I almost never do my nails, but I love an excust to wear sparkley things! (Forgot pictures at dinner)


Meganne said...

I love the star dress! it's so cute!!!
and so is your dog:)

check out my blog?

Someone said...

Outfits of that day were AWESOME!
My favorite is the first one =D